Best Free Antivirus:
So - the latest in the seek for a good AV, no - there will never be one that is always perfect.
Here is my list, slightly skewed by CNETs reviews (click links to see reviews):
Sorry, you wont see any mention of Norton or his scottish cousin McAffee here, this review is for fast efficient products, and whats more all of them are free and I was not specifically looking for free, it just happened as a "bi-product"!!!
1. I tried the latest Avast the other day and it has been pretty good at keeping a problem customer clean for the last month, I am not impressed by its overhead, but its worlds above Norton type products. So far I can't 100% vouch for it as I do not have a wide client base using it.
2. Microsoft's new Security Essentials came out last year, at first its engine was not very efficient, but with recent updates I would put it at 99.9%, performance is great, their active scanner has very low overhead, probably the lowest of all. I have a very wide client base that has been using this for over 6 months, and so far only 1 has been infected.
3. Cant say I have been happy with recent versions of AVG, they seem to be getting more and more bulky in the resource area. However they still
3. Cant say I have been happy with recent versions of AVG, they seem to be getting more and more bulky in the resource area. However they still have a good knack for detection. I have been using AVG widely since 7.5, but last years version caused me to look elseware (pun- yes) for faster software.
4. Avira - I cant say I know much about her, other than lots of discussion read here and there that its a great product, CNET reviews it to do moderately well.
5. Panda Cloud Antivirus unfortunately was a disappointment in the detection department, but I think as more users get onboard and development progresses it has the potential to far surpass all these other products. Its resource usage is the lowest I have seen, and its pure simplicity is wonderful: "I detect viruses" - what else do you want it to do - "I constantly nag you and slow down your computer"?