Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Samsung Android 2.1

So, my old Samsung Moment was having some severe process problems (something I installed), the CPU was getting pegged 24/7, causing the battery to die in 1-2 hours.

I decided to take the plunge and asked my wonderful Sprint dealer to hook me up with a download to the latest Android 2.1 update (the link is gone from public downloads), I explained my battery issue, and my dealer says "This would appear to be a "defect", heres a new phone with the latest Android 2.1."

I must say, it is definitely working much better, I have banged on it for over 2 hours straight of web-browsing over wifi even (burns more bat. than cell net), took several pictures and was surprised with the new ludicrous bright flash. The camera also had several other enhancements including filters and editing features. I know its still not 1080p like the MyPhone 4G.

It was nice to note that I wont need as many apps now as many feature enhancements apps have been built into the native OS, such as auto screen brightness, tts caller ID, and more. Email and contacts seems to function better, no hickups in my contact sync. I am going to see how it goes (battery) without installing any apps, then slowly install them to make sure I catch any that nuke it.

Now native support for PPTP and IPSEC VPN connections (OpenVPN as an app in Market).

So far the battery is still at 3/4 after 2 hours of internet and camera playing, and a couple phone calls and texts.