Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egyptian dictatorships shuts down internet and cells

Luckily we dont live in a country like this ... yet.

Luckily our government just floods us with propaganda and fleeces us through the media.

Open source - the future of automobiles?

Did he say open sores? - YES the auto industry is an open sore, and now a revolutionary group has come along to completely shatter the box.

River Simple has come along and built the Open Source hydrogen car - they have running prototypes, and will actually be field testing 50 or more units with the public next year.

Ok - so ya everyone knows Hydrogen is the way of the future - but these guys have gone 100 steps beyond that. They built a car that was built for hydrogen - verses conventional cars that are being re-designed and fitted for hydrogen - they did not do a "re-design", they did a design from scratch. Eliminating the weight of the motor and transmission, reduces the need for this huge frame subsystem to hold back all the other weight in an accident.

So - they have attacked the "fuel problem", the next thing they attacked was the "industry problem" - yes the auto industry truly is "the problem" - their plan is a whole new industry where cars are never sold, but leased, {now here's the difference} with the cost of maintenance, FUEL, insurance and retirement of the vehicle built into the lease - this forces the manufacturer to produce a more reliable and more efficient vehicle. - Imagine if the automobile maker had to pay for the fuel their filthy car uses.

Further more - by opening the design to public input, engineering is ratified to the nth degree, greatly speeding the design process and bringing in a much wider view of ideas that a conventional automobile design team will always be limited on. This portion of the project is managed by the 40 fires foundation.

Dont get me wrong - I love cars, love fuel, love power and speed, but I dont get how a company like Hyundai can make a powerful sports sedan that has 274 horse power but gets 35 mpg, while everyone else is stuck in the mud making sports cars - or even normal cars that cant break 20-25 mpg. Because they are holding back, and it is something like this hydro car that will expose everything.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Who was or is ITT

Who was/is ITT

They have owned:
  • Commercial Cable Co (owned the Atlantic connection between Americas + Europe)
  • Bell of Brussels (formerly of AT&T)
  • Several American telcos in the 1920-30s
  • PCM (as in they invented pulse code mod)
  • Ericsson
  • Wonder Bread
  • Avis car rental
  • Starwood Resorts - hundreds world wide such as Sheraton and Weston.
  • ITT Hartford Insurance
  • ITT Tech (of course)
  • Countries - as in they quietly dictated:
(probably ours among others)

They have been suspiciously involved with the Nazis, Chinese and Martians, and even criminally prosecuted for said involvement. - Conversely ITT sued (successfully) the USA for damaging of ITT holdings in Nazi Germany during WWII - sounds like someone got their arm twisted hard. Many other political scandals have been revealed of the companies unscrupulous endeavors to influence and own.

In 1970 ITT sales were $8 billion - thats comparable to $48 billion by todays standards!!! Bill Gates was only worth $40 billion last year.

Check it all here

This was the murial over their entry way in NY showing worlds in their balance:

Western Electric - WECO

Ok - this is probably uber geeky (i hate both those words) of me, but I found this extremely fascinating how the history of WECO is like a sleezy soap opera for telecom nuts:

Its amazing how these sleazy tactics have survived over 150 years now (yes, I believe they {both the original WECO/ATT} are still in business in some form today) - didnt the devious master minds behind it all DIE!?!? - how have they passed along their devious legacy all these years?!

Anyone in to telecom will recognize many of the names on this site - and how WECO was a hidden arm of AT&T and how they many times attempted to silently gain majority investment in their competition to steer them queer.

- Names like Nippon Electric Co (of Japan - doh), Graybar, Western Union, Agere, Systimax ITT, are mentioned in this history lesson (as if someone learned).

How many people knew 2 men named Barton and Gray (flip those 2 names and it =?) started (well 70%) WECO, and split apart only 2 years later - and yet their names still survive today under unison.

I also found it interesting that WECO was attacking (and defeating) issues like Side Tone back in 1890 when todays VoIP telephone manufacturers are still trying to figure this out (mostly the lower end ones).

I bet many older people remember well names like WECO, and ITT - these are huge companies that have nearly become bigger than the earth itself it would seem - to only be seemingly knocked down and dissolved under an "its not fair act" - only to be reborn (are they Buddhists?) into some new hidden beast.

I hate this site - such a waste of precious time... we will spin off on that one in a later post ;)

For closers - here is their logo with the world at their feet:

Friday, January 7, 2011

Disks, Cylinders, Heads, Sectors, and who forgot the track

Good article on how hard disks are laid out, and the limits we exceeded years ago -

Microsoft application virtualization

MS has a growing product (already in v 4.x) that does virtualization - but not at the OS level like the plethora of products out their - they are doing it at the application level. For Joe Schmoe, this is trivial, but for large organizations this could smooth out deployment and resource utilization significantly.

Customized settings can be maintained across platforms without a thought.

Check out App-V here.

Microsoft outguns the Mexican cartels

Those acid washing cartel henchmen must have been shaking in their boots when the black suits banged on their door - 300 no less. Just imagine if the DEA had resources like that.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Windows OS8

It has been announced. What does OS8 mean? - Just 2 more versions until Windows OSX - at which point it should be right on par with apple.

Joe will be happy to learn Windows finally will have an "App Store" to get the latest annoying app everyone is raving about - well this was Joe Lagreca's idea - M$ is proposing a maintained list of "vetted" apps that are known to be virus and malware free - and roll into that patch control for said apps under windows update - i had to stop using Firefox due to all its dam patches, and Adobe flash is going next.

Some of the other hot features may include MMovie, MPhoto, MTalk, and Msight, just take any everyday word, add a consonant to it and slap on a copyright - who needs to be smarter than a 5th grader? Hopefully they come out with a Spaceport Extreme - its the only way to surf the web.

Another interesting and useful feature the ability to do a factory default install on command, preserving all your documents and settings (my users will use this rigorously).

This should be interesting.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Should I buy an iPad

A question often asked of me -
This flow chart brought several clients into the bottom corner, and yet they still keep following the rest of the lemmings.