Sunday, April 12, 2009

SMPL Appliances

Simple Technologies introduces SMPL Appliances, these appliances are highly specialized enterprise grade appliances based on open source software. These appliances include:

  • SMPL-NAS - Network Attached Storage server
  • SMPL-PBX - Asterisk based telephone system
  • SMPL-Route - FreeBSD based router, VPN gateways and wifi appliances

These products are custom built around their specific purposes using the latest in industry standard open source software, with a significant cost difference compared to competing commercial products and many more features, in the end they equate to lower TCO and higher productivity - a logical choice for businesses large and small. Our R&D department has spent months pouring over the various offerings available, and they have settled on this collection of products as being the best in their areas of expertise.

Look forward to more details on these products soon...

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