Sunday, July 5, 2009

Learning Linux/Unix

Some of my associate techs call me a *nix god when I fix their problems, and ask how I do it; while some of my other associate who truly are *nix Pros would call me an amatuer, I must admit after maintaining Linux and Unix systems everyday I have got the basic concepts down very good, which can be impressive to some ;).

You can get around with a few basic commands, knowledge of file locations, networking configs, an archiver (tar) and an editor, but if you want to become truly good as a *nix sys-admin, you must have a solid understanding of bash commands- so to those associates that ask me how I do it - here is a great site for you to learn:

That will step you through shell scripting and bash commands from beginning to end, warning - it starts with the assumption that you know NOTHING, but moves along very fast into advanced areas.

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