Thursday, August 6, 2009

FreePBX v3 on the horizon with Freeswitch

I am happy to announce that finally the thing I have been waiting so long for has arrived - FreePBX will be releasing their newest version 3 trunk which has been built to support FreeSWITCH natively - finally a powerful configuration engine for Freeswitch - this is an innovation in the telephony software arena.

Of course FreePBX will continue to support Asterisk, but Freeswitch is a next generation platform with wide compatibility and feature set at its core goals, something Asterisk has talked about, but has had minor issues with. v3 is a major platform overhaul that has become engine agnostic.

Some of my readers may ask about all this free stuff, and how they can get it. These are Open Source platforms that are "Freely Developed upon" - meaning that anyone is free to contribute to them and many have, which means they are not limited to the funds of a single company's development budget and 'the skies the limit'. And of course anyone is free to download these applications, but what makes an enterprise phone system that is comparable to the reliability of the old Lucent / Avaya / Nortel style phone systems is not just these little programs, you need a reliable hardware platform such as a SmplPBX, and experienced telephony engineers with a heavy background in Unix and Communications to properly configure it.

A developer release of v3 is currently available, read more about this upcoming release here. While a final release is undoubtedly many months away (still much work to be done on this major platform overhaul), a new release of 2.6 will be immediately available.


  1. Hi John! After reading your blog, I thought you would be interested to know that the developers of the project came out with a new version under the name You can check it out on their new website
    One of the developers and co-author of the FreeSWITCH book that was just released is also holding a Free SWITCH bootcamp Oct 13-15 in New York. The coupon code is "freevoip"

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