Tuesday, July 19, 2011

An office spin-off, or a whole new playing field?

Last year Orcale bought out Sun - the makers of OpenOffice, and it has since been the source of much controversy - an open source stratedgist now owned by a commercial giant - dollars are the word of the day.

Well last September some OpenOffice developers got tired of the path traveled, and forked off with LibreOffice - thus far it looks and feels much like OpenOffice, but they are moving in great leaps.

LibreOffice is sponsored by Google, RedHat, Novel, and Canonical - big names in case you didnt know!

90% of LibreOffice is a direct dirivitive from OpenOffice, but they have streamlined a few areas, added more language support, better font support, better Excel formula support and most importantly an Office 2007-2010 import/export feature (completely lacking in OpenOffice).

Their inspiration looks genuine, and their openness even more, I am going to give it a whirl!

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